Famous Couples That Prove Love Can Last – Even For The Rich & Famous

Jonathan Goldsmith and Barbara Goldsmith

Jonathan Goldsmith is an actor who is famous for being the Most Interesting Man in the World. The Dos Equis beer company created an advertising campaign character that experienced amazing success in television and the internet. And the campaign achieved meme fame like no other.

Goldsmith is also famous for The Good Life. It starred Barbara Goldsmith as the co-hostess and co-star of an NBC sitcom. He’s always been cupid’s favorite when it comes to love stories. But it looks like he’s found his forever soulmate in Barabara, and they have been together since 2006.

Although Goldsmith’s liaison with the beer company ended. However, his romantic liaison with his wife Barbara Goldsmith has been going on for more than a decade now. He enjoys his newfound freedom from work with his wife and dog in Vermont.

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