Hollywood Couples That Prove Love Can Last – Even For The Rich & Famous

Sanjay Gupta and Rebecca Gupta – Together Since 2004

Sanjay Gupta is famous for his professional conduct throughout the globe. He has a multi-faceted career, including that of a medical reporter, neurosurgeon, and writer. Besides that, he has also worked as a famous correspondent in the White House on CNN. Gupta has been in the public eye for most of his professional years.

A neurosurgeon, medical reporter, and writer, he wrote few books, namely Chasing Life, Cheating Death, Monday Mornings: A Novel, and Keep Sharp. His stunning wife Rebecca Gupta is also a reputed lawyer who mostly deals with cases about family law. The couple strongly supports each other, and we can’t get enough of them when they’re spotted together.

They have three daughters now after living 16 years of marital life. Before marrying her, the duo knew each other since their college days. In the years to come, they will certainly prove exemplary for many others to follow.

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